Ecological fashion: How to choose stylishly and responsibly

1. Make informed purchases: Pay attention to brands that offer sustainably made clothing. These can be manufacturers that use organic fabrics, recycled materials, or care about sustainable production.

2. Quality over quantity: Pay attention to the quality of materials and tailoring. High-quality clothes made of high-quality fabrics will last longer and retain their appearance after many washes.

3. Minimalism in the wardrobe: Choose things that go well with each other and can be worn in different outfits. This will help you avoid buying unnecessary items, reducing the amount of clothes you throw away.

4. Reuse and recycle: Support the movement for clothing recovery and recycling. You can consider vintage stores or update or recycle old items yourself.

5. Consciousness raising: Share your knowledge and confidence in sustainable fashion with friends and family. Talk about the benefits of sustainable consumption and choosing eco-friendly clothes.

By paying attention to responsibility and sustainability when buying clothes, we have the opportunity to make an important contribution to preserving the environment.